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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Thought Currents Tarot Card Spread

This is the "Thought Currents" spread. I am using the Dream Tarot because I want to incorporate the subconscious mind's intuitive dream messages with the alert mind's focus.

In this spread you can see that the stalemate is between a reversed Ace of Cups and the Death Card. Underlying circumstances behind Death: 5 of Cups, accidental influence: reversed 3 of Pentacles, direct influence: reversed Devil card.

Underlying influences leading up to the Ace of Cups: reversed Emperor card, associated circumstance: reversed Fool card; direct influence: reversed Knight of Cups; direct shift of thought from Death to 10 of Cups.

This is a great morning spread to sift out where your mind might be muddled with worries. Once you confront the stalemate, restate your goals for the day aloud. Then reshuffle the spread back into your deck and tap the cards on the table two times for luck!

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