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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Alright!  I have just read a very biased review of a Bohemian deck of Tarot Cards......apparently there are! folks out there that believe paper wasn't invented until the 14th century, that Roma peoples copied Italian playing decks and used them to make money from fortune telling.  Gonna spit two words out : Egyptians    Papyrus.  Oh, and the modern day playing cards came from Tarot - not vice versa. It's almost as unbelievable as the British historian on you tube in charge of a Viking jewellery exhibit in London telling us that the Vikings had no real written language.  Hello!  Runic?  The basis for the English alphabet?  Invented by Odin....who was a part of creating the ancestors of the northern peoples...but you know that would be stuff a historian should know.

My rant for the day!

Well, as some Italian friends have pointed out, Tarot cards were ordered made by two ruling families in Milan in the 14th century (I have included a link). My point on this. Obviously Italian Roma introduced the concept of Tarot to Italy, word got around and of course the ruling families wanted custom made Tarot Decks of their own. Roma law forbids written documentation of their culture - this was initially to protect them.

There are also pre-Egyptian, pre-Indian civilizations like the Sumerians who were very advanced and showed interest in astrology and cartomacy before such labels were invented.

Runes were around even before the God Odin made some for his set, as he revealed in his poem Havamal. If Odin, Vile, and Ve created mankind after the Runes then fortune telling is to be accredited to the giants. But I think it's safe to credit the Roma and Sinti people's (Gypsies) with Tarot Cardsbin the way we think about and use them today. 

Light of Consciousness Meet September

Numbers - a poem by me, Gipsie Lee

Not all the same are we

Some of us we’re not like you

Before, we lived for you to die

And now, in life we die, you see

For on the earth, we roam so lost

Our souls belong to Hel

A part of us is gone, you see

The sorrow very well,

We can try to uplift you

Try to help you understand

Show you what a human should be

Even try to lend a hand

But it never does erase

The past we had before

Once you are a reaper

It’s not something you ignore

So rise above the turmoil ants

Fight your wars, or live to flee

Hide amongst the street lights

For in the dark we'll be

I am not here to hurt you

I am merely here to kill

It is not quite beneath you

But at least I bear no ill.