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Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Parental Paradigms

     Being Canadian, I have the luxury of special coins called toonies that are the equivalent of two dollars.  These are larger than loonies (one dollar coins) and I designate them to represent people's parents. 

These parents can be the people who have raised you, the people you were born from, or the people you choose to have in your life as mentors. 

    Usually elderly, these folks and their coin counterparts, can be hard to deal with at times.  Other times, their absence can cause a void one cannot replace.  When the spirits try to talk to you through toonies, put your own opinions aside and just listen.

     Toonies that fall off counters indicate you will be on your own for a major life decision.  They aren't ignoring your plight - they just have things to do.  If they roll underneath something and remain missing, you might as well assume your parents are about to take a much needed vacation.

     Sometimes toonies hide inside the bottom of people's purses, and refuse to be found.  This sign you can take personally.  It means your opinion or recent actions haven't made a good impression on your parental figures and they don't feel like arguing or discussing this topic right now.

     If your toonie is exceptionally cold to the touch, note which side of the coin is facing up.  My methods use the Queen for the maternal and the flipside for paternal.  Coldness is a warning of potential illness or injury, possibly death, so don't take complaints of pain or depression lightly if your toonies are cold.  Take the time to warm up your parents' hearts with a visit or gift.  

Friday, September 9, 2016

Close Quarters

     Sometimes I think our lives are like soap operas to the invisible ones. Quarters - the coins of lovers and closest siblings and business partners - are juicy gossip pieces your kindred spirits cannot help themselves but try to tell you about. 
      Quarters that touch are your kin.  When they overlap it denotes an intimate relationship.  Pregnancy shows up through dimes being covered by quarters.  Quarters can shed light on any communication issues between partners, close relatives and even true rivals.  

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Spinning Loonie

     Spinning coins is fun.  With a quick flick the transform from flat little discs into blurry orbs.  As gravity grabs hold of the situation they flutter down into a two sided form again.  
    When coins spin on their own, either when you drop them or try to pick them up, pass them to someone, etc. It is not to be taken lightly.Spinning or fluttering of any sort with any of your change is indicative of something active happening in your life, right now.  You can think of it as the wheel of fortune card in coin form. 
     Loonie coins  - or a gold coin of a different currency -show how a person values themselves. Spinning loonies are the most important spinning coin. When they fall, watch to see if they come up heads or tails. 
     Loonie woman landing on tails.or a loonie man landing on heads indicates an obsessive/controlling mate. Did your coin roll beneath something? You feel undervalued, because your efforts are going unnoticed. Coin land on top of something? Triumph! Coin land on top of other coins....better come get your coins read (lol).

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Penny For Your Thoughts

     Pennies are like the death card and the three of swords put together in fortune telling. Every now and then I will get a brave soul who asks for a penny reading - to see which spirits are there as invisible forces for and against them and also to warn of upcoming deaths in the family or circle of friends. Pennies have caused me to put off doing fortune telling for months at a time; I don't enjoy relating sorrow and anguish to people - I avoid it whenever possible.
     If you've been picking up pennies lately that are warm to the touch, do not fear. If they send a shiver through you, you've touched a warning from the other side. If you feel a magnetic pull or push to the coin you have external influences about to alter your current life path.  

Monday, September 5, 2016

My 10 cents worth

     Have you ever gone to pay for something with change and had a dime fly backwards towards you like it was possessed? Then, when you tried to pick it back up, you had to pry it up with your fingers? 

    Weird, is what most people pass it off as, but what it actually is, is a sign.  

     Dimes can signify several things.  Some people think that when they find a dime unexpectedly, it means a family member who is passed on is thinking about them.  I believe that the flying dime is a loved one trying to warn you about a delay in travel.  

     The dime that comes towards you means you are about to backtrack.  You might hit a traffic stop.  You might have a family crisis to deal with that halts your progress. 

     If the dime rolls out of your hands it means you will be rerouted.  If it lurches back towards the initial direction, you are in luck, you've just hit a bump in the road, whether its physical or metaphorical.    

     And that's my 10 cents worth!


Introductions and Reintroductions

     Welcome to my Fortune Telling Tips blog! If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be. My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch.  
     I try to allow the spirits to have their say.  And they love having their say! They know everything that goes on and most times cannot warn you or protect you,show their concern or pride, anger or happiness simply because you cannot see them. 
     People carry around emotional, physical, and spiritual baggage.In odd little ways, they might otherwise not pay much heed to, people's loved ones are are there desperately trying to provide input, encouragement, support. My blog is about recognizing "signs" (and I throw in a few ghostly encounters here and there).