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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


      Some spirits have very strong opinions of people in your life - your medium may not understand the depth of this emotion, or where it stems from because of personal boundaries I discussed before - but the spirits will try to reach past me to their loved one, one way or another.  If they've wanted to express something to you for some time you may get inundated with information, like a storm of emotion.
       Some clues might be about the past; perhaps you didn't realize you weren't truly left out of your grandfather's will.  Maybe a great aunt left you a gift that was never delivered. Perhaps you are not biologically related to the people you grew up with and one of your blood relatives would like you to know.
      Some clues tend to be for events set to take place very far into your future, sometimes years down the road; but I find people who repeatedly get readings done will have predictions that are closer to their current time frame. 
      My theory is that a spirit who has never had an opportunity to "speak" to you may fear this is a one time thing and try to cram everything they "see" ahead of you in, just in case they never have an interpreter again.  Once they know you can contact them, that you accept they are really there and are open to communication, they are more at ease and so the messages are less of an emotional bombardment.

How Shall I Read Your Fortune?

     What is the difference between a coin reading and a card reading?  Well, the coins are like a flash reel of images and feelings; whilst the cards basically lay everything out right there in front of you.  Coins and cards have the ability to feel like magnets, either pushing away or pulling a person's hand towards them.  Both cards and coins can feel hot or cold to the touch.

 Some people's spirits get agitated with me when I can't relate what they would like with the coins and begin moving my hand around like a Ouija board eye, which is a bit frightening at times, but people remain emotional even after death, so I try not to take it personally.  

The coins will leave me with actual physical pain if the person or their partner has an injury in their future, headaches, great sadness, excitement, joy, fear.  I try to avoid people who are about to suffer loss...its no fun experiencing death for others. 

The cards are safer for me, the fortune teller, but they tend to be a bit blunt at times with those having their readings done. Some people's cards move away from their hands as they place them around the deck on their own (I do my fortune telling a little different than most) or fling off the table for dramatic effect.