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Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


My mother passed away when she was just 41 years old.  She fought a hard battle against a lung infection that eventually took a toll on her heart.  Born a petite, delicate redhead, she had the spirit of a lion who knew not its size.  Her courage, willpower, determination, talent and intelligence were overwhelming. 

Fitflop CA So how do you honor someone who is gone and yet still around?

Believe me, my mother's wisdom is there in the Tarot Readings, the Tea Leaf images, the vibrations of the Coin Throws, the clues in RUNE WORK and the messages of OUIJA.

She is also there when I plant flowers and vegetables. She is there when I shop for fine clothes and jewellery.  Her spirit watches me type up vampire novels to be with great angst and hope.  I know, because I sense it. 

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I am fortunate to have been raised by someone with exceptional taste. She was consulted for her wisdom.  She was counted on for her ability to see through red tape and provide clear analysis to complex problems.  When she left her work at the Credit Union in North Sydney, the other staff members insisted she try to continue working from home, while her health allowed her to.  They needed her.  Everyone who knew her needed her.  She was a Queen.

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So how is the best way to ensure she is recognized, everyday and especially on Mother's Day?

Are there special readings I do to show her spirit she is in my thoughts?  

Think of your mother?  What color comes to mind when you see her face in your mind's eye?

Did she have any favourite flowers, collections, jewels or places to dwell.  What hobbies did she have?  Energy flows with focus. 

I live very far from her grave....so I brought the flowers I would have placed there home. 

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If I create more "spaces" here that she would feel comfortable in, whether it is out in the garden or in the house, she will more likely spend time there as a spirit.  If you do daily readings, try and set these places where your mother can view them and feel at ease.  

I will leave you to begin this task.  Check back tomorrow, as I will be illustrating a "Mother's Circle" Tarot spread.  I have beautiful new cards given me by my cousin who lost their daughter, so there is special significance.  Blessed Be.


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