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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ghost writer vs Ghost reader

I was working on a novel about vampires and had changed the title several times on the manuscript. Blood Red Sun, Blood Moon, Under a Red Moon...and it just wasn't clicking. So I put Name and saved it as that. The computer had been acting funny all day, I had a plot issue, and my daughter was on her way home from school; time to get away from the story for awhile I figured.

 After supper dishes were done and my two year old fast asleep, I went back to the computer. It was open to the unfinished chapter. I asked Victoria if she had been reading my story; she hadn't. Then I noticed my work now had a title: Bloody Mary. I raised an eyebrow at my teen, but before I could ask her again, the screen changed. My book was writing itself. Beyond the fallen trees that formed an x, there was a rock filled grave. Do you remember falling in it? Mary. Hello? Mary?

We all slept in the baby's room that night - with our two dogs. The next day I went to the trail along Pottle's Lake where I had based my story. I found two dead trees which had fallen over towards each other and formed an eerie x. My older dog seemed to read my mind. The young pup we'd adopted had wandered towards the spot, but Princess howled at her to get back. My eyes scanned the area for piles of rock. They were there but not exactly where I expected them to be, and they didn't look grave like at all, more like a landscaping tool.

When we got back to the trailer, the furnace had decided to quit pumping heat, despite a full tank of oil.  My children and I had horrible nightmares.  Someone tried to break into our home while we were asleep and attacked our older husky dog, cutting her legs, one in particular very badly that had to be put back together at the animal hospital. Needless to say, we moved as soon as I found another place to live.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Second Chance!!!

Being a fortune teller doesn't make you all knowing. I have unfortunately foreseen death and illness amongst relatives, friends, acquaintenances...and sometimes I put my Tarot cards away for awhile because of they tell me. I've buried an Italian deck. I burned a Spanish deck. I threw a Waite deck into a bucket of salt water when it began to smoke (that one actually burned in a car fire a bit later). I believe the reason Allfather, Odin's runes ended up buried beneath a tree for the same reasons.

But, sometimes hope is on the horizon. New pets, new babies, new business ventures...these jump out with brimful goodwill. Then there are the spirits who have been aching to communicate with their friends and family. They really make a person appreciate all that they have in this moment. Being invisible to those you care about is no walk in the park; I feel very honoured to act as a liaison.

I offer you a chance to experience some free coin reading, right from the comfort of your home. It cannot be as accurate, of course as if you were here in person, since in person I can sense hot, cold, sparks, magnetivity, as well as a reel of visual images that stem from touching the coins themselves.  But, that being said, I have a feeling the patterns will tell you important things  on their own.  Looking forward to deciphering your coins!

So take some change, shake it up and let it fall onto a flat surface and take a picture of them. Indicate whether you want your photo/fortune answered as a blog post with other submitters with your name included or anonymously. If you would like an e-mail reminder when it is published, I can do that too. Looking forward to reading your coins!