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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Simple Water Spell


Large black ceramic bowl
Dried mint leaves
Tablespoon of beach sand
Piece of unlined white or beige paper
A pen

This spell should be done in the evening under the light of the moon, but you might wish to practice writing in Runic prior to setting it up. You can do it in English or whatever other language you normally use but, please use your left hand to write things down if you are right handed and right hand if you are left handed.

Take your bowl outside and pour gently into it a pitcher of water until it is half full.
Staring at the moon, sprinkle the grains of sand over the water surface.
Gently sprinkle a pinch of dried, crushed mint leaves onto the water's surface in a swirling motion.
Set the water where the moonlight can shine into it where it won't get bumped.
Take out your pen and paper.

I am looking for a clue
A mirror in the seas
For time is merely water
Reflecting back at me

Take your note, whisper gently "Thank You" across it and lie, it writing down, onto the water's surface.
Leave overnight.
In the morning, place the paper carefully in the sunlight to dry, careful not to tear the paper.
Leave until dusk.

Take the water from the bowl and offer it to your closest thirsting plant.
At dusk take the paper and examine the images upon it.
If you like take a pic and send the image to me to decipher.
Have fun!

(collected rain water works best)

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Dilemma Spread (explained with caution)

Thanks to A. Bronwyn Llewellyn and Cynthia Von Buhler finding the root behind a perplexing dilemma is easy! The Shakespeare Oracle - Let The Bard Predict Your Future is very crafty at stating what's going on.

The engaged couple from the previous card reading could have pressed for more information. This spread reveals the reasons why these two have come to be in such a predicament. Not purely evil or purely good, each comes to the table with parental and past relationship drama that coloured the way they see people in their lives.  The root cause of future problems lies in the woman's false pretenses that she is helpless and needs a knight to rescue her. He is more than willing to play this role, though his reasons are not completely altruistic. The chalice - symbol of their union is one which will be forced, not true, but the lie cannot be undone.

The Fortune Teller's best bet is to say things delicately and without too much explanation. He suffered great loss as a child. Her parents stressed about security. A close friend will remain no matter what. People will toast to their union. 

When the Cards Reveal Too Much

Often when couple's come to see a fortune teller, they are there to see if their relationship is going to work out. These words may not be spoken aloud, but the cards reveal such fear and doubt nonetheless. If you are a fortune teller you may find yourself playing marriage counsellor. Remember, it is not up to you if they last, drift or split apart; your job is to relay the messages in front of you. This can be difficult, especially if you personally know the couple, realize from the cards that one has been faithful and the other not, or if one is truly uninterested in the other outside material gain.

This spread for example reveals a dual nature in the man and calculating coldness in the woman. There are doubts on both sides, and secrets as well...some that threaten to expose themselves if action isn't taken. It indicates what has been planned will go ahead as planned but marriage is not the secret answer for either, though it will happen. The card that refuses to be part of this?

So, what to say to the couple?  This is most definitely not a union that will create happiness.  The 3 of Sceptres offers the advice both should be following, "To thine own self be true" from Hamlet. Look at the center cards.  "To be or not to be, that is the question?" from Hamlet. "Screw your courage to the sticking-place and we'll not fail" from Macbeth.  This an ominously toned card - both parties involved are in actual danger.  The top, "Delays have dangerous ends" from Henry VI.

I would go with: "You both are having second thoughts because of people from your past.  Money and legal issues are pressing; you must not ignore them. (to the man) A young woman you used to know is having a baby.  (to the woman) Your desire has become fruitful but some treasures are best kept secret.  I see a beautiful ceremony, planned out in perfection, enacted just as it was imagined, and with relief.