Burrs. They stick on your clothing, they grip hair, they hide by steps and attack furry dogs...so when trying to use a bit of witchcraft to rid myself of an irritating human burr I believed burning the little spiky seed pods, together with other selected herbs and ingredients would work.
Ha! He became more obsessed with my daughter than ever. So I looked the plant up in my Edible Medicinal Plants of Canada book; it's full of healing properties for skin disorders and the Japanese have been purported to use it for sexual medicine. Another book, claimed certain aboriginal tribes in Canada used it's juice as a love tonic. This was not a break up plant! (It seemed so counter intuitive!)
There were other species that offered hope, so I prepared dishes of crushed herbs in tiny candle holders wherever we didn't want him to linger. He started to get the hint- but his reaction was to knock them over with a poker and run (obviously he gave me far too much credit ).
Then I started placing natural insect repellents under my daughter's mattress. I had no Spicebush so I substituted lavender, wintergreen oil and allspice. Dried sage I mixed with the heart shaped leaves of Shepherd's-Purse. He found the little herb bags because of their aroma and accused me of trying to hex him.
They began arguing more...it was working!
But ironically enough, it was when the creepy fellow mistook my jar of dried catnip for weed, that he left for good - with ALL of the catnip.
Most people assume fortune telling is a gag to be done at Halloween, but in reality, it is a form of communication that affects both the living and the dead.
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Welcome All!
If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.
My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.
If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.