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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Anne Rice on Twilight and True Blood and my question: Are Vampires Connected To Fortune Telling?

I ask you. Are Vampires Connected To Fortune Telling?  No, Anne is not covering this topic, but its Anne being interviewed by George Strombolopoulous and I am a huge fan of both great minds.  Vampirism, if you look at the blood pacts between Odin and Loki and the fact that it is mentioned that when hunting Odin only took of the blood and left the meat for his wolves, the Vampire legend version of what happened to Baldur - which I believe is where Christians got their Lucifer story - and Odin's enemies, a Wolf Clan of Gods and Goddesses who attempted to assinate our Sun God with a bite.  Werewolves versus vampires I believe, began here.  Odin, Frig and Hel are very much into divination.  The giants who came before them had the runes....and there is your answer!

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