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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Gypsie's Tarot Card Review: Vibrational Energy Oracle Cards

Vibrational Energy Oracle Cards come to us from Debbie A. Anderson, with artwork by Heather Brewster. I must say, the art is phenomena; the cards have really dramatic, eye catching imagery. The messages are very positive and uplifting; people usually come to us mediums when in turmoil or doubt.

There is only one card layout presented in the accompanying manual, which looks fine on paper but is quite physically expansive on an actual table. I broke this down into three separate layouts for practical purposes:, "Past, Present, Future" top three cards; "Five Dimensions" middle 5 vertical cards; and "Mind, You/Body, Soul" lower three cards.

 If you are used to Tarot decks, these are going to be quite the change for you. Aside from the fact that there are no divisions of suits or numerical importance, there is also a lack of reverse meaning. I realize it is intended to focus on only positivity. But give them a whirl. They are very interesting.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Gipsie's Tarot Card Deck Review:The Tarot Cards I Destroyed

I've been reviewing Tarot decks lately, so before I go on to describe my newest pack I will show you three extremely accurate, albeit terrifyingly so, decks I destroyed in the past. Regrettably, I buried my Italian tarrochi after my mother died. It was under the influence of several friends who believed such things were "the Devils work". The cards foretold of several relatives dying, impending relationship drama, travelling to places, losing wealth and emotional posessions - it all came true, no matter that I'd ruined the cards.

Two years later I came into the posession of the Marseilles Deck of Tarot. My friends and I had gone to a Medium, who asked why I parted with my cards. When I said I simply didn't do fortune telling, she responded "Because you need some cards!" and gave them to me. They were very blunt, the Marseilles cards; they knew they didn't have much time. My already grieving mind was bombarded with images of more death, and even more negative downturns in my life. I set them afire to prove them wrong. Five funerals later they proved I had been disrespectful of the spirits.

The Rider- Waite Deck  I purchased many years later, for I refused to delve into divining for a long time. These I had a hard time with. I struggled to get a sense of what was trying to be conveyed. It wasn't until my grandson found them and asked me what they meant, four years later, that I sensed any magic in the deck. He quickly disposed of the death card in my mop bucket.
I found this amusing and liberating...I was now free to do Tarot without Death. But these cards met with a different sort of ending...they burned because they were still unpacked in the trunk of my Cavalier when it burned.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Care to Decipher?

I found this rock while roaming the beach that surrounds The Pond, in Trout River, Newfoundland.  It is quite large.  The writing below, on the left is an Irish version of runic and on the right of that is your Futhark version of runic. Time has done some gouging on the stone as well, but I believe this is proof of Vikings exploring Trout River.  (In the journals I have read by Eric the Red, it was common for Norsemen to stop in Ireland for pretty girls who had the inclination for adventure)

So which do you think it holds?

aicme b (first aicme) aicme h (second aicme)

beith luis fern sail nion uath dair tinne coll ceirt
(birch) (rowan) (alder) (willow) (ash) (hawthorn) (oak) (holly) (hazel) (apple)
b l f s n h d t c q
[b] [l] [w] [s] [n] [y] [d] [t] [k] [kʷ]

aicme m (third aicme) aicme a (forth aicme)

muin gort ngéadal straif ruis ailm onn úr eadhadh iodhadh
(vine) (ivy) (reed) (blackthorn) (elder) (white fir) (gorse) (heather) (poplar) (yew)
m g ng z r a o u e i
[m] [g] [gʷ] [sw/ts] [r] [a] [o] [u] [e] [i]

fifth aicme Other symbols

éabhadh ór uilleann ifín eamhanchooll peith start of Spás end of
(gold) (elbow) (pine) (double c) (soft birch) texts (space) texts
ea oi ui ia ae p

b l f s n h d t c q

m g ng z r a o u e i

ea oi ui ia ae p start of texts space end of texts


Gipsie's Tarot Card Deck Review: The Dreamer's Tarot

My deck used most often (and one I had to buy twice because my grandson tore up the Death Card) in Fortune Telling is the The Dreamer's Tarot by Heidi Darras and Barbara Moore. The have a wonderful assortment of interesting card layouts that prove highly sensitive and yet totally objective. (They do seem to allow the spirits to convey their frustration with folks who look down on the mystic arts, I warn you) Pictured here is the "What to Do Spread" which gives a an artistic past, present, future scenario to your actions. Also pictured is a spread that is great for couples because it reveals their true take on problems and offers bridging communication tips: "Working It Out Spread". The accompanying book "The Dreamer's Journal" encourages fortune tellers and their clients to keep track of their dreams. I just would add a further note to that: always describe your dreams aloud because, like Tarot Cards, they are often metaphors.