When coins spin on their own, either when you drop them or try to pick them up, pass them to someone, etc. It is not to be taken lightly.Spinning or fluttering of any sort with any of your change is indicative of something active happening in your life, right now. You can think of it as the wheel of fortune card in coin form.
Loonie coins - or a gold coin of a different currency -show how a person values themselves. Spinning loonies are the most important spinning coin. When they fall, watch to see if they come up heads or tails.
Loonie woman landing on tails.or a loonie man landing on heads indicates an obsessive/controlling mate. Did your coin roll beneath something? You feel undervalued, because your efforts are going unnoticed. Coin land on top of something? Triumph! Coin land on top of other coins....better come get your coins read (lol).
Loonie woman landing on tails.or a loonie man landing on heads indicates an obsessive/controlling mate. Did your coin roll beneath something? You feel undervalued, because your efforts are going unnoticed. Coin land on top of something? Triumph! Coin land on top of other coins....better come get your coins read (lol).
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