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Deathly Chill

Welcome All!

If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.

My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.

If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Riding Emotional Storms

I wanted to write about the emotional turmoil I experience as a medium. The term is quite literal at times, and then there are times when there is no medium or middle ground but rather the overwhelming emotions of pain, fear, anger or frustration that come from other people - the living and the dead. When there is no logical reason for you feeling what you are feeling, consider what you are feeling may be an outside influence much akin to wind- just because you don't know where it comes from, just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it can't knock you down.

It can be unsettling. I do believe a lot of what artists mistake as depression is actually an intuitiveness that causes them to feel and think other's pain. Their empathy and intelligence can work against them when toyed with by those of uncontrollable emotional output. Jealous or envious fans/critics; inappropriate friend's and relatives criticisms: what most people are oblivious to, the gifted can be overwhelmed by.

Then there are spirits who decide to stay after a reading. All it takes is someone leaving something behind and that's it - you've got a new house ghost. I truly believe house ghosts communicate with each other as well. The longer a ghost resides in a house, the bolder they tend to get. My theory is if you have ghosts, make sure you have guests. Make certain as many people witness your invisible people as possible; that way they can't call you crazy.

Peace. Blessed be.

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