I just wanted to share a little blip about Wicca. You don't have to be out there casting spells on people, or building candlelit shrines to Celtic deities, partaking in covens or witch gatherings (although some gatherings can be quite fun). Basically, to be Wiccan is to understand that there is life force in things that perhaps you did not consider to be of equal living value with yourself as a human being. So in Wicca, we believe that all living creatures have an equal right to live, to have homes, communities, families. What you wouldn't do to your friend Marybeth's four year old son, you wouldn't do to a baby seal, baby bear, baby moose, etc.
Now, I love my cat and she eats mice and birds and I have no problem with that. I have no problem with humans that hunt for food either. Some people are inclined to be hunters. It's just senseless destruction of territories, murdering animals for pleasure, polluting the environment out of laziness, and teaching those bad habits to the next generation that drives me mad.
What I wanted people to know, is how positive being a Wiccan can be. First of all, your whole philosophy of life changes. (Was raised a Christian, but never got confirmed because my mother and grandmother couldn't understand why people were worshipping a god that would throw a child in a lake of fire for not swearing allegiance to them. They were Celts. I am so glad they were Celts).
My place is special in this world as a human, not because I am the master of every other creature, but because I have enough intelligence to act as a positive catalyst.
I can cut fruit in half and take the seeds or pits out and plant them so that more fruit trees grow more quickly. I can gather grass plants and spread them out where the ground has been trampled down, so livestock can graze. I can plant flowers for my own enjoyment that benefit bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, bluejays. If my vegetables are being eaten by insects, I can introduce some ladybugs to the crop to eat them. I can build barns to shield my sheep, horses, cows and goats from the harsh winter winds. I can share my food with pets and wild animals alike.
I can use my intelligence to create ways to harness the wind and sun for energy. I can choose what I have and what I save and use it to make things more productive. I can be unbiased and kind when others have been brainwashed by their religions to make them hate one another. I can act, not out of fear of "Sin" (who was actually the son of a King way back when, the Jews and Romans didn't like) or "Hell" (who spells her name with only one l)
My god is the Allfather, Odin. My people were created from trees, not clay. My duty is to learn as much as I can about as much as I can; to strive to be the absolute best I can be both physically and mentally; to create and share what I have created; and to write, so others can reflect on things I have done, pondered or said.
Most people assume fortune telling is a gag to be done at Halloween, but in reality, it is a form of communication that affects both the living and the dead.
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Welcome All!
If you know me and have had a chance to have your fortune told, you will know how accurate divining can actually be.
My special gift is being able to read people's energy patterns through things they touch. Alot of times, I use the change in their pockets.
If you are in Newfoundland, I encourage you to book a reading. It's quite fun to see what the spirits in your life have been aching to let you in on.
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